Back-To-School! School is starting soon! The summer never seems to be long enough. Mid-July/August is the time organize for school. I have a School Organizer that I have to organize all my kids school information, teacher information, and class information. This was designed to help me keep up with the kids information in the same place. I used to divide their paper in different baskets, but soon found out that many papers were misplaced. There are sections for each child. I three-hole punch their class directory,teacher letters, important letters with computer log-in I.D.'s. I also have sections for important numbers, school calendar, important dates to remember, and even lunch box notes. I also keep special envelopes in the side pocket for field trip money, fundraisers, lunch money,etc..., a notepad of the weekly to-do list, and a notepad for notes for the teacher. These binders are available. If you would like to print notes, click below; left click highlight what you would like to print, right click "print". If that does not work, you can copy and paste to Microsoft Works document or something similar. To encourage reading: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page Check out my Back to School Pinterest Board with links to many other great websites!