Fall Creek Falls

Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee is one of our favorite places to hike. The beauty here is amazing. This park should be a must-do on anyone's list.
We haven't camped here because it is so big and always booked. So, plan in advance and make reservations ahead of time.
(we usually camp at Rock Island and drive to Fall Creek Falls for the day. we plan on camping here soon. I'll add pics of the campground when we get to go.)
Things to do-
1. hike
2. swim
3. paddle board or kayak or fish at the lake
4. bike ride
and more...

The big falls has a hike around the top. You can stand on top of the waterfalls, but please don't. A little ways up from the falls is a swim area with a cascade. You can also get to it from behind the nature center.

This is a famous lookout point. You can reach this point from the top ridge hike. DO NOT TAKE THE KIDS. There will be a sign that tells you. There are many lookout points not nearly as serious as this. But, all have serious consequences, so take precautions with the little ones.

There are a few suspensions bridges in the park. This one is on a more secluded hike.

The bridge leads you to a swim area. There are lots of areas of creeks to play and explore.

This is another lookout point. This is why it is very important to speak with your kid about hiking safety and sticking together. An adult should always lead and be the tail of the hiking.
Please don't let this scare you. The experience and beauty you will explore is well worth it.

From the lookout point above you can also see a beautiful water fall.
This is the cascade area behind the nature center. Lots of area to explore and play. But, don't let them venture too far down the river. That is where the big falls drop off is located.
There are many areas to run and play and swim and eat. We can't wait to go back when it's warm to let them swim.
I love walking across suspension bridges. The boys make it a little more interesting...
Fall Creek Falls is one of my favorite places. I can't wait to go back.
Now it's your turn....