Check lists:
Checklists are good. Being prepared is good. Being overwhelmed and in debt is not good. You will find you won't even need half of this stuff! And most stuff you can find at thrift stores, Craigslist, or Freecycle.
Minimalist list:
1. Tent-purchased from thrift store or from friend
2. Blanket or sleeping bag
3. Food made ahead that can be heated over the fire that need no pots or pans or plates.-(*Make things on skewers and use the skewers as utensils.)
4. One outfit. Cooler months you can add a layer or so.
5. Lighter or matches to make fire
That's It! No extra clothing. No toiletries *gasp*( you can survive in the wilderness without a shower for a few days! Swimming is always good.) No fancy cooking utensils for fancy food. No entertainment. Why would you need it with all the nature to explore around you? This doesn't mean you have to spend your time sitting around like you are homeless. It's quite the opposite! It's a great simple way to reconnect with natural beauty around us.
Now for more specific lists:
- tent(I suggest one with a "wash tub" floor!)
- stakes
- tarp
- poles
- rope
- hammer
- dust pan/hand broom(to sweep tent floor)
- tent fans
- tent light
- canopy or screened-in canopy

- Sleeping bags( spring and summer don't require much/I suggest a great bag for the winter months)
- pad
- pillow
- air mattress (if wanted) and repair kit
- sheets/blankets
- large duffle bags (to store bedding)

- jeans
- shorts
- waterproof style khakis
- t-shirts/sweatshirts
- socks and more socks
- rain jacket
- hoodie
- nice coat
- under garments
- swim wear and towels
- shoes- flip flops, Tevas style sandals, Boots, rain boots, hiking shoes
- Mesh laundry bag for dirty clothes)
- gloves/work gloves
- hats

- towels/wash clothes
- outdoor shower(only needed for deep woods camping)
- travel shampoos and conditioners and soap
- travel case for toothbrushes and toothpaste
- travel box for soap
- deodorant
- hairbrush/comb
- razor
- feminine products
- travel toilet/ toilet paper
- plastic bags
- sunscreen/lotions/aloe
- chapstick
- bug spray
- first aid kits-
- tissue
- sewing kits
- hand sanitizer/wipes
- wet wipes
- medicines
- mirror
- contact solution/case
- pony tail holders/scrunchies/barrettes
- head bands
- splinter removal kit
- Beauty Products/Make-Up: tinted moisturizer with SPF, concealer, waterproof mascara, tinted chapstick, small blush and brush, make-up removing wipes, powder shampoo

- Plan meals ahead- Make a meal list and grocery list(shop ahead of time) *look below for ideas*
- Put marinated steak in large baggies and plastic container
- Make skewers ahead and store in container
- Put marinated chicken in container
- Wash and separate fruits and vegetables into containers
- Put eggs in a camping style hard plastic container
- Put cereal in hard plastic cereal tupperware
- Put all lunch meats in separate baggies, and put all in a large plastic container
- Pre-wash lettuces. Lay on paper towels in a container
- Store non-refrigerated foods in a large tote
- Put a wire rack over the ice, then put the containers on that
- Put frozen bottled waters in bottom of coolers to serve like ice
- seasonings/ sugar/ condiments- put in smaller containers and stored in larger container together
- hot cocoa/tea bags/coffee
- popcorn
- s'mores stuff!
- kids snack box
- bread box
- ice
- pre-made pancake mix in a squeeze bottle(shake well before using)
- cooking spray
- butter
- jellies
- cheeses
- crackers
- make ahead and pack- brownies, muffins, cookies, breads, granola bars
- jugs of water/water bottles

- Stove with burners
- propane
- travel grill
- charcoal/firewood
- BBQ utensil set
- lighter fluid/ lighter
- Dutch oven/iron skillet
- pots
- Water jugs
- tablecloth with clips or thumbtacks
- skewers/ marshmallow roasting sticks
- paper plates/cups/bowls
- biodegradable utensils or camp sporks
- heavy duty foil/plastic wrap
- baggies-all sizes
- pot holders
- kitchen towels
- paper towels/napkins
- cooking knife/spatula/tongs
- can opener
- camping toaster
- coffee press
- mugs
- thermos, multiple sizes
- potato peeler
- cutting board
- mixing bowls
- cutting boards
- large tub for washing dishes($1 store!)
- dish soap
- dish scrubber
- Several stores sell large totes with all of this inside!
- corkscrew
- trash bags
- rugged totes for storage

- lanterns/fuel/batteries
- compass/GPS
- maps
- chairs
- backpacks
- fishing poles/tackle box
- sunglasses
- hammock
- saw/axe
- duct tape/electrical tape
- shovel
- scissors
- outdoors watch
- fire extinguisher
- bikes/helmets
- kayaks/gear
- bungee cords/straps
- portable clothes line and clips
- binoculars
- collapsible drying rack
- umbrellas
- mosquito nets
- flashlights
- headlamps
- waterproof matches
- camera
- radio with weatherband
- lantern stand
- pocket knives(like Swiss Army Knife)
- ponchos
- waterproof bags/dry bags
- citronella candles( I like a lot of them to set around the camp!)
- pet food/toys/leash

- deck of cards
- board games
- books
- scary camp stories
- glow sticks
- frisbees
- hackysack
- water toys
- boomerang
- Geocaching materials
- bikes
- bubbles
- sidewalk chalk
- cars/monster trucks
- baggies of Legos
- Play-Do
- soccer ball
- baseball and gloves
- Please, no electronics on camp trips!!