Christmas Homemade Gifts Ideas
Cinnamon Sticks
1 C (2 sticks) real butter
1 egg
1 C sugar
2 C plain flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 Melt butter. Beat Egg yolk(save the white) , sugar, and melted butter
2. Add flour and cinnamon. Mix Well!
3. With a well-greased hand press the dough on a well-greases cookie sheet.
4. Brush egg white all over the dough. Spoon off the excess egg white.
5. Bake 250 degrees for 45 minutes.
6. Cut into rectangular sticks.
* You can pair this with a cinnamon or pine scented tea light, put in small baggie for a gift.
printer paper
scrapbook paper, assorted colors and styles
laminating sheet
small ribbon to match paper
1. Print out small Bible verses on sheet of paper. Cut out decoratively.
2. Cut bookmark size pieces of scrapbook paper.
3. Glue or tape the bible verse on the bookmark.
4. Set in laminating sheets, a few at a time. If you do not want to do this yourself, Office Depot can do it for a few dollars. It is thicker.
5. Cut out with clear edges still showing.
6. With a hole-puncher, make a hole at the top. Tie with a matching ribbon. If it is for a boy omit this step
* This is my favorite gift to make teachers for their books and Bibles.
Doggie Treats:
2 c wheat flour
3/4 c rolled oats
1/2 c powdered milk
1 egg, beaten
5 Tbps vegetable oil
1/4 c water
2 jars any baby food
1. Preheat oven 350 degrees.
2. Combine all ingredients. Knead on floured surface for 4 minutes.
3. Roll out on floured surface. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes.
4. Bake 20 minutes.
*cool 1/2 hour before serving or packaging!
2 c white flour
1 c salt
2 c. water
2 TBSP veg. oil
1 1/4 tsp food coloring
1 TBSP cream of tartar
1. Cook in pan for 5 minutes. Cool. Then knead for 3 minutes.
2. Put in small jars with tied with a decorative ribbon with note.
Laundry or Linen Spray:
1 tsp essential oil, your choice of fragrance.
1/4/c witch hazel
1 1/2 c water
1. Mix and put in spray bottle. Print a beautiful label or tie a laminated label describing the scent. You could even put the recipe on the back.