Easter Egg Hunts
When I was growing up, we just hid and hunted Easter eggs. Now, it seems there has to be a piece of candy or coins in all the eggs. I think this is cute, but I do not do this often. Instead, I started the other egg traditions with my kids.
- I put "He has Risen" on a strip of paper and put it in the egg then hide many eggs. Whoever finds the egg with the verse in it wins,
- Write a bible verse, One word per piece of paper. Put in eggs and hide. After they find the eggs, have children work together to put the bible verse in order.
- Non-messy egg race- We get two teams together. Each team puts a plastic egg on a big spoon and races.
- Resurrection Eggs- We discuss the meanings of each egg. We do not hide these. These are special eggs.
Here are more ideas:
Puzzle Eggs

The kids will get plenty of candy in their Easter baskets. Instead of filling eggs with candy; fill the eggs with puzzle pieces. When they find all the eggs, they can put the puzzle together!
- multiple kids? buy a puzzle for each at the Dollar Tree.
- Coordinate each child's puzzle by using same color eggs for each child. Or writing name on the eggs.
Paper Eggs
We discovered this by Jack being bored at work. I designed eggs on copy paper. I let him color and cut them out. I hid eggs for him all over the office at work. He giggled the loudest squeals and giggles I've heard. Very cute fun and so very simple.
Multiple Kids Hunts
Assign each child a color. No more fussing and fighting over who saw the egg first!