Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Weekly menu Plan

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, November 13, 2009 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
Again this week I will not post the list and pictures of my groceries. There is nothing extra special this week about my savings or the price. I bought basics and I also had to get dog and cat food. So, I was still under budget but very close! 
$ 145.42, but my the end of the month I will still be under budget!
Please check out my previous postings under "Grocery Cart Challenge" to see better deals. And "Weekly Menu Plan" to see what I was able to provide for the week with meals. 
* Remember~ I am still planning my BIG Baking Day in a few weeks! I am buying little by little to prepare. To start, look at my previous postings under "Tip of the Week". 

S~ egg and cheese sandwiches, carnation breakfast drink
M~ eggs, toast, fruit
T~ cereal, bananas
W~ brown sugar oatmeal
T~ PB toast, fruit, carnation breakfast drink
F~ Chocolate chip pancakes
S~ cereal/pancakes

S~ grilled cheese and chips, fruit, chips
M~ turkey club (with lettuce, cheese, bacon, mustard and mayo), yogurt, goldfish, cookie, apple
T~ taco salad and/or bean burrito(from leftovers), chips and salsa, apple
W~ egg salad, cheese chunks, goldfish, cookie, grapes
F~ turkey club, yogurt, goldfish, cookie, apple 
S~ PB and J, or grilled cheese and soup

S~ Deer Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls
M~ Tacos(with lettuce, tomato, sour cream, cheese), enchilada rice, bean burritos*, chips and salsa 

T~ hamburgers, baked  beans, chips, salad
W~ fried chicken, corn, peas, sweet potatoes, salad
T~ pinto beans and ham, grilled cheese, salad, cornbread
F~ pizza
S~ breakfast for dinner: buttered rice, pancakes, eggs, toast
* I used previously cooked pinto beans that I had frozen for a later use!

 Snacks and Desserts:

~ no bake cookies
~ cheese and crackers
~ popcorn
~ PB and syrup on toast
~ muffins
~ hard boiled eggs

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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Weekly menu Plan

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, November 13, 2009 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
Again this week I will not post the list and pictures of my groceries. There is nothing extra special this week about my savings or the price. I bought basics and I also had to get dog and cat food. So, I was still under budget but very close! 
$ 145.42, but my the end of the month I will still be under budget!
Please check out my previous postings under "Grocery Cart Challenge" to see better deals. And "Weekly Menu Plan" to see what I was able to provide for the week with meals. 
* Remember~ I am still planning my BIG Baking Day in a few weeks! I am buying little by little to prepare. To start, look at my previous postings under "Tip of the Week". 

S~ egg and cheese sandwiches, carnation breakfast drink
M~ eggs, toast, fruit
T~ cereal, bananas
W~ brown sugar oatmeal
T~ PB toast, fruit, carnation breakfast drink
F~ Chocolate chip pancakes
S~ cereal/pancakes

S~ grilled cheese and chips, fruit, chips
M~ turkey club (with lettuce, cheese, bacon, mustard and mayo), yogurt, goldfish, cookie, apple
T~ taco salad and/or bean burrito(from leftovers), chips and salsa, apple
W~ egg salad, cheese chunks, goldfish, cookie, grapes
F~ turkey club, yogurt, goldfish, cookie, apple 
S~ PB and J, or grilled cheese and soup

S~ Deer Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls
M~ Tacos(with lettuce, tomato, sour cream, cheese), enchilada rice, bean burritos*, chips and salsa 

T~ hamburgers, baked  beans, chips, salad
W~ fried chicken, corn, peas, sweet potatoes, salad
T~ pinto beans and ham, grilled cheese, salad, cornbread
F~ pizza
S~ breakfast for dinner: buttered rice, pancakes, eggs, toast
* I used previously cooked pinto beans that I had frozen for a later use!

 Snacks and Desserts:

~ no bake cookies
~ cheese and crackers
~ popcorn
~ PB and syrup on toast
~ muffins
~ hard boiled eggs

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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