In Remembrance...
May 19, 2011
May 20th 2010 will forever be etched in my brain. It is also a date many others remember. But, mine is a personal reason. On this date one year ago my cousin, Brandon, along with his fellow officer, Bill Evans,were viciously killed in the line of duty.
This was all by the hands of a 16 year old and his machine gun along side his father. His father raised him to be a "Sovereign Citizen". If you don't know what they are, please click on my links below to watch the videos to inform yourself. They are very dangerous people.
You see, my cousin wasn't just shot. He was shot 14 times! Why so many times? Was that necessary? No, but they think they are above the law. The officers gave them no reason to start shooting other than the fact that they were "officers".
The videos do contain intense moments and some language. I do not suggest that children watch these.
As adult were all need to be informed of what is going on around us. Please take the time to watch these videos.
Recent video of my Uncle Bobby the police chief of West Memphis being interviewed. A very sweet look at Brandons fun personality and what my uncle has been busy doing since.
Police Chief Remembers.... (click on the "P")
Police Training Video about Sovereign Citizens * Please watch the video after the news report*
Please keep us all in your prayers as we still mourn this loss.
As you drive west on Interstate 40 going into West Memphis, soon you will see a wall of remembrance where the officers lost their lives protecting ours. The Lord will use this tragic loss of ours for His glory. Brandon's daughter, Katie, has a favorite bible verse that was written at his funeral......
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Posted by Holly Nelson. Posted In : Just Because I said....