Re-Post~ It's my favorite
June 23, 2011"But they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40 31
This verse often comes to mind when raising boys. I often say my life is never boring and I love it that way. Boys really do know how to keep you on your toes! They are always going from one thing to the next. I was blessed with very active boys. Fearless and will try just about anything. Yes, even my youngest little guy, Luke, who just turned 3. He is always making us laugh. Sometimes we can't believe the stuff he does! And he is such a charmer. He gives us a sweet little smile as he ventures into mischief. I finally caught on camera one of his little charming tactics. I was taken off guard when taking this picture and didn't have it on the right setting. But yes, in this picture he "flew" from the trampoline into the pool. Clearly on the side of the pool it states and shows pictures -"NO Jumping!". But, there he is flying in the air! And look closely! He is even looking at the camera smiling- posing! He is such a ham! Then I think of the Bible verse........" I shall run and not be weary; I will walk and not faint". I think I've been saying that for the last 12 years of my boys doing crazy things like this! The Lords knows just what we can handle! oh, and Yes, he did a belly flop and LOVED it!

This verse often comes to mind when raising boys. I often say my life is never boring and I love it that way. Boys really do know how to keep you on your toes! They are always going from one thing to the next. I was blessed with very active boys. Fearless and will try just about anything. Yes, even my youngest little guy, Luke, who just turned 3. He is always making us laugh. Sometimes we can't believe the stuff he does! And he is such a charmer. He gives us a sweet little smile as he ventures into mischief. I finally caught on camera one of his little charming tactics. I was taken off guard when taking this picture and didn't have it on the right setting. But yes, in this picture he "flew" from the trampoline into the pool. Clearly on the side of the pool it states and shows pictures -"NO Jumping!". But, there he is flying in the air! And look closely! He is even looking at the camera smiling- posing! He is such a ham! Then I think of the Bible verse........" I shall run and not be weary; I will walk and not faint". I think I've been saying that for the last 12 years of my boys doing crazy things like this! The Lords knows just what we can handle! oh, and Yes, he did a belly flop and LOVED it!
Posted by Holly Nelson. Posted In : It's a Boy's Life!