Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Menu for Sept 19-25

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, September 17, 2010 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
This week I thought I'd do something different. Not everyone out there is going to like this menu. But, we eat a lot of eggs. We love eggs!

~ cereal 
~ oatmeal
~ PB toast

~ roast beef,turkey,ham, pb, chips
~ go-gurt
~ polish sausages

S(19)~ scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy
M(20)~ egg, veggies, and sausage burritos, fresh fruit
T(21)~ Bacon, egg, & cheese crescents, fresh fruits* qiuck meal for soccer night*
W(22)~ egg,cheese, sausage frittata
T(23)~ egg salad sandwiches, fruit, chips, veggies*quick meal for soccer night!*
F(24)~ bacon egg and cheese sandwiches
S(25)~ french toast, sausage, fresh fruit

~ cheese and crackers
~ cheese, crackers, pepperoni
~ PB & J on grahams
~ PB crackers
~ pretzels with PB
~ carrots and celery
~ sugar cookies
~ brownies
~ banana bread

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Menu for Sept 19-25

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, September 17, 2010 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
This week I thought I'd do something different. Not everyone out there is going to like this menu. But, we eat a lot of eggs. We love eggs!

~ cereal 
~ oatmeal
~ PB toast

~ roast beef,turkey,ham, pb, chips
~ go-gurt
~ polish sausages

S(19)~ scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy
M(20)~ egg, veggies, and sausage burritos, fresh fruit
T(21)~ Bacon, egg, & cheese crescents, fresh fruits* qiuck meal for soccer night*
W(22)~ egg,cheese, sausage frittata
T(23)~ egg salad sandwiches, fruit, chips, veggies*quick meal for soccer night!*
F(24)~ bacon egg and cheese sandwiches
S(25)~ french toast, sausage, fresh fruit

~ cheese and crackers
~ cheese, crackers, pepperoni
~ PB & J on grahams
~ PB crackers
~ pretzels with PB
~ carrots and celery
~ sugar cookies
~ brownies
~ banana bread

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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