Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Menu for May 30- June 5

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, May 28, 2010 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
~ eggs
~ cereal
~ oatmeal
~ pancakes

~ turkey
~ PB
~ chicken nuggets
~ fish sticks
~ tortilla pizzas
~ pizzas
~ fruits
~ veggies and ranch

S(30)~ Tacos and Taco Salad
M(31)~ Burgers, beans, chips
T(1)~ BBQ Salmon, Carrots, lima beans
W(2)~ BLT, chips
T(3)~ Honey Lime Chicken, baked potato, salad
F(4)~ Pizza

S(5)~ Grilled Steaks, beans, chips, baked potato, salad

~ cheese and crackers
~ graham crackers
~ veggies with ranch dip
~ fruits
~ ice cream cones
~ popsicles
~ popcorn
~ PB and celery
~ jello and cool whip
~  apple sauce

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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Menu for May 30- June 5

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, May 28, 2010 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
~ eggs
~ cereal
~ oatmeal
~ pancakes

~ turkey
~ PB
~ chicken nuggets
~ fish sticks
~ tortilla pizzas
~ pizzas
~ fruits
~ veggies and ranch

S(30)~ Tacos and Taco Salad
M(31)~ Burgers, beans, chips
T(1)~ BBQ Salmon, Carrots, lima beans
W(2)~ BLT, chips
T(3)~ Honey Lime Chicken, baked potato, salad
F(4)~ Pizza

S(5)~ Grilled Steaks, beans, chips, baked potato, salad

~ cheese and crackers
~ graham crackers
~ veggies with ranch dip
~ fruits
~ ice cream cones
~ popsicles
~ popcorn
~ PB and celery
~ jello and cool whip
~  apple sauce

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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