Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Menu for June 6-12

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, June 4, 2010 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
~ eggs
~ cereal 
~ oatmeal

Lunches :
~ Pizzas
~ chicken nuggets
~ turkey
~ PB
~ veggies and dip
~ fruits

S(6)~ (breakfast for dinner) sausage, eggs, biscuits &gravy
M(7)~ penne with meatballs, bread, salad
T(8)~ BBQ chicken, corn on cob, salad
W(9)~ baked potatoes, leftover chicken, salad
T(10)~ Honey Lime Chicken*, baked potato, carrots, salad
F(11)~ pizza
S(12)~ Family reunion pot luck~ crunchy slaw, brownies

*I was supposed to make steak with mushroom gravy  for Thursday, but I did that last night instead. oops! I had 3 extra hungry boys staying the night. 

Now that summer is here, the boys are home all day. And that means eating all day. Well, kinda. They want to eat all the time. Thats just boys. If you have a little boy, you soon will see how much they eat. And nothing I can say can prepare you, so just take my word for it. So, here are my suggestions for summertime snacking:

 1. Make fresh fruits easily accessible in a basket in the fridge and on the kitchen table. 

2. Make a platter of fresh veggies with a bowl of dip in the center. Keep in fridge where it is easy for little ones to take out and munch anytime.
3. Keep cups beside the fridge for easy access for water. Keep them hydrated!
4. While outside: Keep a water jug full of ice water and cups on an outside table. 
5. Offer a protein snack during midday. PB on celery, crackers, bread. Turkey and cheese roll up, bowl of nuts on the table,  etc...

Have fun this summer and keep  hydrated!!

Desserts and Snacks:
~ brownies
~ cake
~ no bake cookies
~ fruits
~ carrots & celery and dip
~ applesauce
~ ice cream
~ popcorn
~ popsicles

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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Menu for June 6-12

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, June 4, 2010 Under: Weekly Menu Plan
~ eggs
~ cereal 
~ oatmeal

Lunches :
~ Pizzas
~ chicken nuggets
~ turkey
~ PB
~ veggies and dip
~ fruits

S(6)~ (breakfast for dinner) sausage, eggs, biscuits &gravy
M(7)~ penne with meatballs, bread, salad
T(8)~ BBQ chicken, corn on cob, salad
W(9)~ baked potatoes, leftover chicken, salad
T(10)~ Honey Lime Chicken*, baked potato, carrots, salad
F(11)~ pizza
S(12)~ Family reunion pot luck~ crunchy slaw, brownies

*I was supposed to make steak with mushroom gravy  for Thursday, but I did that last night instead. oops! I had 3 extra hungry boys staying the night. 

Now that summer is here, the boys are home all day. And that means eating all day. Well, kinda. They want to eat all the time. Thats just boys. If you have a little boy, you soon will see how much they eat. And nothing I can say can prepare you, so just take my word for it. So, here are my suggestions for summertime snacking:

 1. Make fresh fruits easily accessible in a basket in the fridge and on the kitchen table. 

2. Make a platter of fresh veggies with a bowl of dip in the center. Keep in fridge where it is easy for little ones to take out and munch anytime.
3. Keep cups beside the fridge for easy access for water. Keep them hydrated!
4. While outside: Keep a water jug full of ice water and cups on an outside table. 
5. Offer a protein snack during midday. PB on celery, crackers, bread. Turkey and cheese roll up, bowl of nuts on the table,  etc...

Have fun this summer and keep  hydrated!!

Desserts and Snacks:
~ brownies
~ cake
~ no bake cookies
~ fruits
~ carrots & celery and dip
~ applesauce
~ ice cream
~ popcorn
~ popsicles

In : Weekly Menu Plan 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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