I think of that country song a lot.."It won't be like this for long. Some day you'll look back laughing at the week we brought her home. Time is gonna fly by, so just hold on. It won't be like this for long." We have another sweet little boy coming in April. It's been a while since we've had a "baby" in the house. I have been looking back on the last few years since our last baby has been born. They grow up too fast! I know you hear it all the time. You say it all the time. And it really is true! When your kids are making you so mad, just look back when you brought them home from the hospital, when you dropped them off for their first day of school. the first time you dropped them off and they never looked back. Releasing them will be hard if you don't enjoy every minute you can
right now! Love on your babies today. Think back on those early years. It won't be like this for long.......
A look back since the birth of our last baby: (birth order-Ryan, Seth, Ian, Noah, Luke)
About to bring baby Luke home from the hospital
Christmas 2006
Easter 2007
Christmas 2007
Easter 2008
Zoo- Summer 2008
Thanksgiving 2008
Beale Street, Memphis, Tn/ Summer 2009
Summer 2009 Again...I just LOVE those sweet tanned faces!!
Christmas 2009 or my favorite....
Oh, this one really shows their personalities!
I can't wait to see our new little guy and see how he will fit into our sweet family!