Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Iced In

Posted by Holly Nelson on Sunday, January 31, 2010 Under: Just Because I said....
The Memphis area got a winter storm Friday. It iced then snowed, then iced again. I have to admit I was skeptical. The kids were elated to be out of school, and I was glad to have them home. It was too wet to have a great time playing in it Friday, yet some boys still ventured out. But the best day was Saturday! We played all day long. We came in for Lunch , and to wake daddy. (He was still sleeping around noon!! He works really hard, so I'll let it slide...ha! get it?) Anyway, he was able to help me push them down the hills of our back property in the kayaks. I have to say Kayaks are the best sleds, ever! We never even get out the snow sleds.

Just ask Noah!

The downsi
de to all of this....our solid sheet of ice of a driveway! While all of our friends closer to the Memphis area are able to get out, we are not. I used all the milk for homemade hot cocoa and all the sugar. I also missed a much over due hair appointment for Ryan. And since I still do not have a washing machine, I have a weeks worth of laundry in need to take to the laundry mat. Can you even imagine?  I told Jeff yesterday it took God making this ice storm to keep me at home all weekend! Yes, our church has even closed, but will be broadcast live on Tune in! After I watch the service , I might just have to get the shovel out and start digging!  

This is the bottom half of the driveway, where hubby couldn't even get the car up the driveway before the bad part of the the storm!

 Here are a few pictures of our day.


Luke, Ryan, Noah, Ian- Seth decided to stay warm in bed until daddy woke up.

I had to throw the holly berries in!

Luke loved the faster the better!

Noah fell, with charm.

Luke making a snow/Ice angel

Part of the Ice Bike track(dirt bike track). Picture later on that!

Ian starting to go down the BIG hill

Look at that boys hair flying in the wind!

Now, the hard part. Walking back up the icy hill. The picture does not do justice to the size of the hill!

Hubby and Me. I got this Russian hat from my mother-in-law for Christmas. Everyone just laughed and laughed. Yea, who has the warmest head now! 


They begged and begged to go ride their dirt bike, like any other normal weekend. We finally said yes, just to laugh at how hard it would be. They had a great time. A few wrecks, but all fun!

After the first day of fun, enjoying homemade hot cocoa. Mathew, I'm sorry. Wish you were here! (Ryan's friend, he says I make the best hot cocoa! I love that boy!)

After the second day, enjoying warm brownies

Oh, and I had to throw this one in! Ryan tackled Seth. Both of their hats flew off. And who says only girls mess with their hair!

Seth, after being tackled by Ryan 

Do you have Pictures you would like to share? Post them to the Facebook wall!

In : Just Because I said.... 

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Iced In

Posted by Holly Nelson on Sunday, January 31, 2010 Under: Just Because I said....
The Memphis area got a winter storm Friday. It iced then snowed, then iced again. I have to admit I was skeptical. The kids were elated to be out of school, and I was glad to have them home. It was too wet to have a great time playing in it Friday, yet some boys still ventured out. But the best day was Saturday! We played all day long. We came in for Lunch , and to wake daddy. (He was still sleeping around noon!! He works really hard, so I'll let it slide...ha! get it?) Anyway, he was able to help me push them down the hills of our back property in the kayaks. I have to say Kayaks are the best sleds, ever! We never even get out the snow sleds.

Just ask Noah!

The downsi
de to all of this....our solid sheet of ice of a driveway! While all of our friends closer to the Memphis area are able to get out, we are not. I used all the milk for homemade hot cocoa and all the sugar. I also missed a much over due hair appointment for Ryan. And since I still do not have a washing machine, I have a weeks worth of laundry in need to take to the laundry mat. Can you even imagine?  I told Jeff yesterday it took God making this ice storm to keep me at home all weekend! Yes, our church has even closed, but will be broadcast live on Tune in! After I watch the service , I might just have to get the shovel out and start digging!  

This is the bottom half of the driveway, where hubby couldn't even get the car up the driveway before the bad part of the the storm!

 Here are a few pictures of our day.


Luke, Ryan, Noah, Ian- Seth decided to stay warm in bed until daddy woke up.

I had to throw the holly berries in!

Luke loved the faster the better!

Noah fell, with charm.

Luke making a snow/Ice angel

Part of the Ice Bike track(dirt bike track). Picture later on that!

Ian starting to go down the BIG hill

Look at that boys hair flying in the wind!

Now, the hard part. Walking back up the icy hill. The picture does not do justice to the size of the hill!

Hubby and Me. I got this Russian hat from my mother-in-law for Christmas. Everyone just laughed and laughed. Yea, who has the warmest head now! 


They begged and begged to go ride their dirt bike, like any other normal weekend. We finally said yes, just to laugh at how hard it would be. They had a great time. A few wrecks, but all fun!

After the first day of fun, enjoying homemade hot cocoa. Mathew, I'm sorry. Wish you were here! (Ryan's friend, he says I make the best hot cocoa! I love that boy!)

After the second day, enjoying warm brownies

Oh, and I had to throw this one in! Ryan tackled Seth. Both of their hats flew off. And who says only girls mess with their hair!

Seth, after being tackled by Ryan 

Do you have Pictures you would like to share? Post them to the Facebook wall!

In : Just Because I said.... 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
Holly Nelson Instagram