This year our budget has changed. It was $150.00 for a week for our family of 7. In April we will have a new baby and we will have a family of 8! I cannot wait. But that does mean our groceries will increase. If I'm not able to breast feed then I will have to buy formula. Anyone have a great formula they liked that was cheap? I'm preparing. Back to the budget issue. Our plan this year is to spend $400.00 or much less a month in groceries. I'm challenging myself to plan meals better to get the grocery bill down. My boys love to eat a LOT , so we will see how this goes!!
Meal Plan for next week is next.
eggs (3dz) ~ 3.27carrots ~ .99animal crackers ~1.29bread~ $.79bread~ $1.19bread~ $.79potatoes~ $2.49milk~ $2.29mac and cheese(3)~ $1.05cocoa $1.89mixed vegs $.55toilet paper $4.69mixed vegs $.55mixed vegs $.55grnd beef $2.29mixed vegs $.55lettuce $.99sugar $2.19corn muffin mix $.35corn muffin mix $.35bananas $1.03paper paltes $1.03chips $.99gummie candy $.89tuna $.59brown sugar $1.19tuna $.59marshmallows $.69tuna $.59lunchmeat $2.99oranges $1.49lunchmeat $2.99TOTAL $49.72
tortilla strips(32 oz) $3.59tortilla strips (32 oz) $3.59salsa $5.89TOTAL $ 14.08TOTAL $63.80