I am posting early because tomorrow I think we all will be a little busy. And I didn't stay as low as I wanted but I had to buy food for the animals, extra stuff for appetizers, and dishes. And I lost my receipt!! I will post a picture and hopefully that will help you.
Walmart $122.17 ($27.83 under budget)
Dog food not pictured. And look at little Luke trying to sneak away with the batteries! I bought a package that has a small screwdriver that looks like a battery. How clever!
And I do feel that if I went to Aldi the price would have been much cheaper! But I had to buy a few things they didn't have and I had no time to go to both places.
Next year we are re-doing our budget. Right now it is $150.00. But I am going to completely challenge myself to make it much lower!
AND I will be doping my Big Baking Days in January. I posted my plan months ago, then my oven went out. So, HERE
is a link to the plan.
Merry Christmas Eve!!