* If you have children~ have children help with these chores. If you have more than one of these rooms, divide the chores among the children. Ex: you~ de-clutter hearth room while 2 children~ de-clutter the family room.
Monday ~ De-Clutter Tuesday ~ Clean under couch, sofa, chair cushions Wednesday~ Detail clean window sills and windows, inside and out Thursday~ Detail dust, using pledge and/or cleaning spray Friday~ Detail vacuum, moving furniture-vacuum underneath
Add fresh flowers, new candle or a new wallflower for a job well done this week!
Remember, 15 minutes a day still blesses the family!
* If you have children~ have children help with these chores. If you have more than one of these rooms, divide the chores among the children. Ex: you~ de-clutter hearth room while 2 children~ de-clutter the family room.
Monday ~ De-Clutter Tuesday ~ Clean under couch, sofa, chair cushions Wednesday~ Detail clean window sills and windows, inside and out Thursday~ Detail dust, using pledge and/or cleaning spray Friday~ Detail vacuum, moving furniture-vacuum underneath
Add fresh flowers, new candle or a new wallflower for a job well done this week!
Remember, 15 minutes a day still blesses the family!