This last week I had a few errands to run everyday in town. I decided to make the most of my trips and take the kids a few places each day. We also made the most of some our days having fun at home. You will notice I did not have the teens with me. This was their week to just be teens. They have done all this stuff before. SO, I wasn't mgoing to be the mean momma and drag them along. Here is a peek at the Fun we had.
Hotwheels Races:
Jack and Luke trying the track out first

On your Mark-Get Set-GO!
Air Hog Plane Flying~ Luke's birthday present:
Luke about to fly his plane

Can you see the plane?
Birthday party with Water Slide:

At a friend's birthday party
The Memphis Zoo:
Jack~ we always get a picture at the entrance

Playing the fan

Playing in the mister by the Meerkats~ see the rainbow? And See Jacks feet off of the ground?

Playing in another mister by the penguins

Playing in the fountain by the Teton Trek

I absolutely love the excited look on Jack's face!

The big spout

I promise. We did see animals while we are at the zoo.

Another favorite picture spot~ silly faces

Time to potty train, maybe? I changed his diaper, put him down, and started to clean up. I turned around to this! lol

Playing in the entrance creek/fountain~ I love Noah's pose

I love how I captured the dive

There is nothing like witnessing the wonder of a child
The Pink Place Museum:
About to go in

Bigger Than a T-Rex: Jack growled right back at it!
The Sprinkler Park:
Jack checking it out

The Snake is Noah's favorite

Luke is giggling it up , spraying everyone with water

Ian is an avid fisherman. He's also 10, an in between age. He just wanted to be by himself to fish while we played in the water.

This is pretty much where Jack was the whole time. He wasn't into it. He just like swimming. I am soaking wet from running through the sprinklers with him, but I still didn't change his mind.
SO, there it is. A Peek at our Week. Next week is Fourth of July Fun!!