Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

9 Months & Counting...

Posted by Holly Nelson on Thursday, April 8, 2010 Under: Just Because I said....
I am 37 weeks right now. Not much longer! I can't wait to see my little guy in person. Last weekend I took some cute belly pictures that I wanted to share with you. They may be my last! Well, up until the hospital pictures. Also, I wanted to share some 4-D pictures that we got yesterday at the doctors office. I have more fluid than normal, so the shots came out even more great than normal! All the nurses and people we didn't even know were oohh-ing and aaaw-ing over his chubby little cheeks.
* Just in case you have ever wondered: This is the first time I have ever taken pictures of my belly growing. Sixth times a charm, I suppose!


All my boys handprints on Baby Jack

My boys already love this little guy! They constantly ask, "when is he coming out!" or "I want him out now!". And every time I go to the doctor they ask, "Are you getting him out today?" How sweet brotherly love is!

I love this baby! No matter how many times I get pregnant, each one is such a special little miracle. They all bring me to tears thinking about it! 

And people ask and wonder how could I love all of them. It's easy! You should try it, you'll see!

There is sweet Baby Jack!!

Look at that sweet hand!

Front view, he looks like my little brother Dustin( I have blogged Him about here), and my third child Ian.

I told the doctor I feel like I'm cheating, being able to see what he looks like before he is born! And this makes me now, even more, want to just kiss all over those sweet, chubby, little cheeks! 

Just a few more weeks......

In : Just Because I said.... 

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9 Months & Counting...

Posted by Holly Nelson on Thursday, April 8, 2010 Under: Just Because I said....
I am 37 weeks right now. Not much longer! I can't wait to see my little guy in person. Last weekend I took some cute belly pictures that I wanted to share with you. They may be my last! Well, up until the hospital pictures. Also, I wanted to share some 4-D pictures that we got yesterday at the doctors office. I have more fluid than normal, so the shots came out even more great than normal! All the nurses and people we didn't even know were oohh-ing and aaaw-ing over his chubby little cheeks.
* Just in case you have ever wondered: This is the first time I have ever taken pictures of my belly growing. Sixth times a charm, I suppose!


All my boys handprints on Baby Jack

My boys already love this little guy! They constantly ask, "when is he coming out!" or "I want him out now!". And every time I go to the doctor they ask, "Are you getting him out today?" How sweet brotherly love is!

I love this baby! No matter how many times I get pregnant, each one is such a special little miracle. They all bring me to tears thinking about it! 

And people ask and wonder how could I love all of them. It's easy! You should try it, you'll see!

There is sweet Baby Jack!!

Look at that sweet hand!

Front view, he looks like my little brother Dustin( I have blogged Him about here), and my third child Ian.

I told the doctor I feel like I'm cheating, being able to see what he looks like before he is born! And this makes me now, even more, want to just kiss all over those sweet, chubby, little cheeks! 

Just a few more weeks......

In : Just Because I said.... 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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